Splash! UChicago
5801 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Email: splashchicago@gmail.com
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General program information

Last updated: February 2025

Where are you programs held?
Most classes will be held in person in Harper Hall on the University of Chicago campus, 1116 East 59th Streetin the Hyde Park neighborhood. Specific classroom numbers will be provided when you sign up for any of our in-person programs, and we can provide CTA passes for free if needed for your commute.

How much does this cost?
All Splash Chicago programs are completely free to attend.

For more information, questions, or concerns, please email us.


What is it?

Droplet is a one-day program for high school students to learn about interesting topics they may never have encountered in traditional high school curriculum. Droplet creates a fun environment where high school students can meet their peers with similar interests, as well as teachers who are studying at UChicago.

  • Droplet is completely free to attend.
  • A sample list of Droplet classes and descriptions can be found here.

When is it?

Droplet is typically held during the fall or winter of the academic year.

  • Droplet has already passed for this academic year.
  • We invite you to check out our current Splash program (details in the next section).

How do I sign up?
Droplet has already passed for this academic year. If you want to register for our latest program, please refer to Splash, our second program in sequence.


❖ This is the program that we are currently running. ❖

What is it?
Splash brings high school students from all over Chicago to the University of Chicago campus for one Saturday. The high school students take short classes taught by college and graduate students in areas that teachers are really passionate about. The program brings together graduate, college, and high school students and introduces high school students to topics they may not be able to access in a traditional high school curriculum.

  • Past classes have covered topics ranging from genetic engineering and dystopian fiction to dance and introductory Mongolian. The focus is on teaching unusual and engaging classes that keep learning fun.
  • Splash is 100% FREE to attend.

When is it?
Splash is a one-day weekend program held in the winter.

  • This year, Splash Winter 2025 will be held on Saturday, March 1, with four class periods available.

What classes are available?
Please take a look at the "Class Catalog", which can also be found on the navigation bar.

How do I sign up?
  • Students: You can sign up for Splash Winter 2025 by clicking on "Student Registration: Splash" on the navigation bar, or click this student registration link , which takes you to the same webpage.
  • Teachers: The teacher registration period for Splash Winter 2025 has already passed, but we invite you to consider teaching for Cascade in the Spring, or registering next year for our Droplet and Splash programs.


What is it?

Cascade is a five-week program for high school students that exposes them to interesting topics they may never have seen before in high school. Like Splash, Cascade allows students to meet college students and other high school students in a fun context. Unlike Splash, Cascade allows students to explore topics in a bit more depth than a one-day program can allow and to get to know their teachers.

Students take classes in one or two time slots, with several in each slot. Each class will meet five times, one hour every afternoon/evening on a certain weekday (TBD) for five consecutive weeks. There will be no testing or grades, but there may be small amounts of homework assigned from week to week in some classes. Attendance at all sessions is required, but if you must miss a class, please be sure to tell your teacher in advance.

When is it?
Cascade takes place in the course of 5 weeks in the Spring, and you can take up to 2 classes. Classes are one weekday per week in the evenings, and dinner is provided.

How do I sign up?
Registration for Cascade 2025 has not opened yet. Please check back later.

Last modified by xchen on Feb. 12, 2025 at 12:14 p.m.