Splash Chicago
5801 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Email: splashchicago@gmail.com
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Splash Biography

NYAMECHE QUANSAH, Outgoing, second year, international studies major

Major: International Studies

College/Employer: The University of Chicago

Year of Graduation: 2012

Picture of Nyameche Quansah

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My name is Nyameche, but everyone calls me Meche for short. I'm beginning my second year here at the University, and I love living in Chicago. My major is International Studies. My favorite subjects are social studies and history. My favorite things to do in my free time are read and sing. My hometown is Rockford, IL, which is only two hours northwest of here. I have a variety of interests ranging from Japanese anime to crime psychology, and I can't wait to teach a class to you!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C471: Shaping Chicago's History in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 03, 2009)
Have you ever wondered what events in history made our wonderful city what it is today? Then this is the class for you! Learn about the most prominent events, people, and places in Chicago's great history.

C472: True Crime: Some of the most prolific crimes in history and the psychology behind them in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 03, 2009)
What makes criminals tick? How can someone murder over 100 people and not get caught? What are the signs that psychologists use to identify serial killers? How can someone manage to murder another person in broad daylight while others look on? If you're feeling fascinated by or curious about these questions then sign up for this class!