Splash Chicago
5801 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

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Splash Biography

BEN FIELD, 4th-Year UChicago Student Majoring in Economics

Major: Economics

College/Employer: University of Chicago

Year of Graduation: 2010

Picture of Ben Field

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a 4th-year student at the University of Chicago majoring in economics. In college, I have been heavily involved in debate and Model UN. My coursework has been concentrated in economics, history, and political science. In my three summers at college, I've been a research assistant at a foreign policy think tank, studied Spanish in Madrid and Barcelona, and worked as an analyst at a business management consulting firm. When not studying or working, I enjoy movies and theater, playing tennis, and rooting for the consistently-disappointing Bears and Redskins.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C462: The Problem of Equality in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 03, 2009)
Since at least 1789, the concept equality has been at the heart of the world's political struggles. Almost every war or revolution has had equality as a core justification. In spite of this, human society remains hugely unequal, both across the globe and within nations. We'll explore why this is so from economic, political, and social perspectives. We'll address issues of gender and racial equality from a political and legal lens and the issues of socio-economic equality through the vantage point of economics. After some initial discussion, we'll culminate the class with a debate amongst the students. Students should come to this class ready to express and defend their points of view and to confront the inescapable core problem of equality: to give to one person, you have to take from another.

C464: The Business of America in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 03, 2009)
President Calvin Coolidge is known for saying that the business of America is business. In this course, we'll explore how modern American business has evolved over the past century, moving from heavy industry to a service economy, as well as how businesses function today. We'll cover basic accounting terminology, a history of American business, and the strategies that modern businesses use to boost their sales and profits. The class will culminate with students being divided into groups, with each group tasked to solve a business problem using the tools reviewed in the class.