Splash Biography
Major: Math / Physics College/Employer: UChicago Year of Graduation: 2013 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
As in, "is a man made of spiders." Not really. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)C946: Mercury Shots and Nanobots: the Quest for Immortality in Splash! Fall 2012 (Oct. 06, 2012)
Who wants to live forever? Apparently, a lot of people. So many people that they discovered continents, fought wars, and chugged poison for a chance at immortality. We'll study how this affected history and how we think about science and ethics. We'll also be looking at some of the more notable (hilarious) examples. We'll finish by examining "Transhumanism", a modern attempt that might finally achieve the goal (or kill us all).
C808: Loopy about Landmines! (Or: How to get fast tracked for war crimes) in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 01, 2011)
Landmines! They're small! They're cheap! And they're a humanitarian nightmare. This class will cover the history and military science of landmines, followed by landmine design and demining technology. The lecture will conclude with a discussion of international politics and humanitarian efforts on banning the weapons.