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Splash Biography

JAIRA HARRINGTON, PhD student in Political Science

Major: Political Science

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Jaira Harrington

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Jaira J. Harrington is a doctoral student at the University of Chicago specializing in the field of Comparative Politics. A West Side Chicago native, she earned her B.A. in Political Science from Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. Her general research interests include Brazilian politics, legal theory, race and ethnicity, gender, and marginalized groups. Her current research focuses on law, labor and identity politics in Brazil with respect to Paid Household Domestic Work.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C1351: Bem-Vindo to Black Brazil! A Course on People of African Descent in Brazil in Splash Fall 2014 (Oct. 04, 2014)
Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country in terms of geographical size and population. It is very likely that you have heard of this country’s soccer teams, Samba, Carnaval and beautiful beaches. However, a little known fact is that Brazil has the largest number of people of African descent outside the continent of Africa—even larger than the number of people in the United States. In this Splash course we will talk about music, culture and politics wiith a game-quiz show format on hot topics in this country.

C773: Seja Bem-vindo to Black Brazil! A Course on People of African Descent in Brazil in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 01, 2011)
Fact: Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas and the world’s fifth largest country! You have probably heard of this country’s Churrascos, Samba, Carnaval and beautiful beaches. However, a little known fact is that Brazil has the largest number of people of African descent outside the continent of Africa—much greater than the United States! People of African descent are nearly 50 percent of the overall population and this population is steadily increasing. In this Splash course I will introduce you to a little Portuguese and the cultural, social, economic and political distinctions among people of African descent in Brazil.

C687: Bem-Vindo to Black Brazil! A Course on People of African Descent in Brazil in Splash! Fall 2010 (Oct. 02, 2010)
Brazil is world’s fifth largest country in terms of geographical size and population. It is very likely that you have heard of this country’s Churrascos, Samba, Carnaval and beautiful beaches. However, a little known fact is that Brazil has the largest number of people of African descent outside the continent of Africa—even larger than the number of people in the United States. In this Splash course I propose to explore the cultural, social, economic and political distinctions among people of African descent in Brazil.