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Splash Biography

VISHAL PRASAD, UChicago freshman studying Philosophy and History

Major: None

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: 2015

Picture of Vishal Prasad

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C1013: EVERYTHING WE DO HAS A SOCIOPOLITICAL CONTEXT: The Lyrical Musings of Rap Group Das Racist in Splash! Fall 2012 (Oct. 06, 2012)
Self-styled as deconstructionalist hip-hop and dismissed as joke rap by others, Das Racist is the Brooklyn-based rap group behind hits like "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell". Sit down, man, and we'll listen to and discuss the themes in several Das Racist songs, including racial identity and consumerism.

C1021: Atheism: History and Arguments in Splash! Fall 2012 (Oct. 06, 2012)
Existing at the heart of all debates surrounding religion are the most profound and moving questions on the subjects of nature and humanity: “Does God exist?”, “What is the meaning of Life?”, “How should I live?”, “Does objective morality exist?”, etc. Every thoughtful person regularly poses these questions to themselves, but the answers are not as readily available. In order to grapple with this controversial topic, we will explore these questions from the Atheist perspective. We will proceed by critically examining the essential arguments in distilled form that are regarded as compelling evidence in favor of atheism. We will then conclude by entertaining objections. Class time will be evenly split between lecture and discussion. Persons of all religious backgrounds are encouraged to attend.

A921: Godless: An Introduction to Atheism in Cascade! Winter 2012 (Jan. 24, 2012)
Existing at the heart of all debates on religion are the most profound and moving questions on the subjects of nature and humanity: "Does God exist?", "What is the meaning of Life?", "How should I live?", "Does objective morality exist?", etc. Every thoughtful person regularly poses these questions to themselves, but the answers are not as readily available. In order to grapple with this controversial topic, we will explore these questions from the theoretical perspective of Atheism. We will proceed by critically examining a wide selection of texts from non-religious writers and philosophers (such as Lucretius, Hume, and Spinoza) alongside works from key theologians and apologists (such as Anselm, Aquinas, and C.S. Lewis). In addition, Professor Jerry Coyne will present a guest lecture on the topic of Science and its relation to Religion. Students from all philosophical/religious propensities are invited to attend the course.

C834: Atheism: History and Arguments in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 01, 2011)
This is a course introducing the history and philosophy of atheism, outlining the essential events and thought experiments associated with the evolution of non-theistical thought. Important texts from a wide selection of writers and philosophers (such as Lucretius, Hume, Spinoza, Marx) will be examined alongside the works of key theologians (such as Anselm, Aquinas, C.S. Lewis) to fuel discussion. Additional topics will be discussed such as the foundation of ethics, the scientific method, and the existence of souls. This course is NOT targeted solely towards atheists, but is rather meant to serve as a general introduction to some of the most fascinating philosophical questions of all. Knowledge of these arguments should benefit all intellectually curious people, regardless of their religious backgrounds. Our time in the course will be split equally between lecture and discussion.