Splash! UChicago
5801 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Email: splashchicago@gmail.com
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Splash Biography


Major: Psychology

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Lorca Sloan

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A907: Hybrid Creatures in Stories in Cascade! Fall 2011 (Oct. 18, 2011)
Hybrids are common figures in myths and stories around the world - creatures whose bodies are strange combinations of contradictory forms of existence. They are gods, monsters, teachers, victims, madmen, and heroes - their bodies illustrate a psychological strugge of good vs. evil, man vs. beast, mortal vs. god, and male vs. female. Hybrids are a collage of whatever concepts are important enough to worship or warn against, so by studying them we'll learn about the specific moral values, gender roles, afterlife beliefs, and social structures of the culture that imaged them. How do cultures differ on what lifestyles and behaviors should be praised and condemned? Are there certain ideas about god, good and evil, or gender that are common in cultures from different places and times? Hybrids and their strange bodies can give us clues.

C780: Hybrids in Story in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 01, 2011)
In this class, we'll explore the appearance of hybrids in mythology and popular stories - characters who simultaneously embody male and female, animal and man, god and mortal, good and evil, and sanity and insanity. We'll look at Greek mythology, the Egyptian pantheon, classic stories like The Little Mermaid, Jekyll & Hyde, and Dracula, shamanistic practices, and movies like Fight Club and Black Swan. We'll finish by painting our faces to illustrate our unique hybrid nature!

A553: A Casual Art Class in Splash! Fall 2010 (Oct. 02, 2010)
This will be an informal and flexible class where we will use colored pencils, charcoal, and paint to explore form and color. In the first part of the class, we'll go outside to color-sketch from nature. Then I'll bring in (clothed) models to pose for you to draw. The class will predominantly just be a space for informally drawing - you are welcome to bring music and there will be snacks - though I will offer demonstrations and techniques if the students desire some guidance.