Splash! UChicago
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Chicago, IL 60637

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Splash Biography


Major: PSD

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Marek Piechowicz

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S1779: Beekeeping: The Gentle Craft and its Role within Urban Sustainability in Cascade Spring 2019 (Apr. 30, 2019)
This class will introduce students to a wide variety of challenges facing urban sustainability, farming, and pollinators. The basics of honeybee life cycle, health, nutrition, and stewardship will be discussed. Modern beekeeping practices, equipment, and management techniques will be covered. Topics on practical beekeeping and challenges associated with urban beekeeping will be addressed specifically. Students will learn the special role that pollinators in general and apis mellifera specifically play in our local ecosystem. We will also discuss the role that urban farming plays in areas traditionally defined as "food deserts". Members from the UChicago RSO Phoenix Farms will share their experience in keeping bees and urban farming while discussing ongoing initiatives in environmental stewardship.

X1761: Beekeeping: The Gentle Craft and its Importance to Society in Splash Droplet Fall 2018 (Nov. 17, 2018)
Basics of honeybee life cycle, health, nutrition, and stewardship will be discussed. Modern beekeeping practices, equipment, and management techniques will be covered. Topics on practical beekeeping and challenges associated with urban beekeeping will be addressed specifically. Students will learn the special role that pollinators in general and apis mellifera specifically play in our local ecosystem.