Splash Biography
Major: Not available. College/Employer: Not available. Year of Graduation: Not available. |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)C494: Filling In the Gaps: What Everybody Forgets To Tell You About Women's Health and Sex Ed in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 03, 2009)
Health and Sex Ed and 'the talk' are all great ways of communicating about sex, but things inevitably fall through. This class is to fill you in on the little things, and it's for women only.
This class is about slowing down the conversation to get the details straight, beyond buzzwords like "abstinence" and "use a condom."
Some topics we'll talk about include: birth control (why do you have to take it at the same time every day), fertility cycles, and how to deal with your period (example: ab exercises for menstrual cramps). We'll also cover elements of women's sexual health, such as pap smears, HPV and cervical cancer, and ovarian cysts.
Note that this class is for girls only!