Splash Biography
Major: History College/Employer: The University of Chicago Year of Graduation: 2011 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)A283: Reading and Writing the Personal Essay in Splash! 2008 (Oct. 04, 2008)
Got a story to tell? All of us do. This class will explore techniques of committing our own life experiences and stories to paper in interesting, compelling non-fiction essays and narrations. Through short passages from works by famous essayists, we will discuss what makes a good story, and then do some writing ourselves.
C285: Glitter and Doom: The Weimar Republic and the Rise of Fascism in Splash! 2008 (Oct. 04, 2008)
After the first world war, Germany was a broken nation. Massive economic, political, and social crises ravaged the country as it attempted to rebuild itself, giving way to some of the greatest art, music, and drama of the 20th Century. This class is a political, social, and cultural exploration of this dangerous era, its legacy, and the great catastrophe that followed it.