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Splash Biography


Major: Physics/Astrophysics

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: 2021

Picture of Olivia Bitter

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S1848: Introduction to Particle Physics in Cascade Cascade 2021 (Apr. 13, 2021)
Scientists have an innate curiosity to push the boundaries of their knowledge of the universe. What else would have led them to discover particles smaller than atoms, like protons and electrons? But why stop there? What if there were even smaller particles and what if these could help explain the great mysteries of the cosmos from the Big Bang to the present day? Well, that’s exactly what the field of particle physics studies. Welcome to the wacky world of subatomic particles that is the subject of a vibrant and fast growing area of physics research. This course seeks to introduce and illuminate exactly what this area is and how important it is in solving many problems in modern physics. Students will first be introduced to important mathematical tools used in the subject of quantum mechanics, a crucial foundation for the study of particle physics. We will then discuss what is studied in particle physics and how it relates to the topics of a typical high school physics curriculum. Some extensions on deeper topics include highlighting the subatomic particles known as neutrinos and a look at how interdisciplinary this overall area of research is including how high school students can start to be involved in meaningful research.