Splash Biography
ASHLEY SIMONOFF, Future vertebrate paleontologist
Major: Geophysical Sciences College/Employer: UChicago Year of Graduation: 2022 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
Though I started out interested in classics, and later linguistics, I was drawn to paleontology, a field I've been passionately interested in since I was old enough to speak. I'm excited for any opportunity to teach what I've learned to younger students, and I hope to inspire more students to join the growing field of paleontology. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S1886: A Brief History of the Phanerozoic in Cascade 2022 Spring (Apr. 21 - May. 19, 2022)
This course will cover a broad overview of prehistoric life in the Phanerozoic, beginning with the Cambrian Radiation and ending with the Pleistocene. Familiarity with paleontology is not required. The course will also include fossils and fossil replicas which students can examine.