Splash! UChicago
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Chicago, IL 60637

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Splash Biography

ALVIN SHI, Dumb idiot from weird place

Major: Math/Physics/MAAD

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: 2021

Picture of Alvin Shi

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Alvin doesn't exist anywhere, and if you see anyone claiming to be him, it's an imposter.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X1811: Doodling Weird Stuff in Splash Spring 2020 (May. 02, 2020)
Do you like $$ doodling???$$ Are you ever.... $$ Bored\;in\;class????$$ If so, come on over here and learn about doodling! We'll spend around 25 minutes learning about how to actually doodle, and then we'll spend some time roleplaying a boring lecture.

X1785: Doodling Weird Stuff in Droplet Winter 2020 (Feb. 08, 2020)
Do you like to be bored in class but also have no idea how to doodle? This is the class for you! We'll start off with some basic doodles and things to try out, and then in the second half, we'll roleplay a boring lecture so you can really get into the mindset of doodling. Also I guess if you really really want to actually listen to the boring lecture it'll be about the matching algorithm and graph theory.

S1786: Graph Theory in Droplet Winter 2020 (Feb. 08, 2020)
Do you like graphs and theory? Then take graph theory. We'll go over the mathematical theory of connections and nodes, and we also might figure out how to find love! Something like that at least.