Splash! UChicago
5801 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Email: splashchicago@gmail.com
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Splash Biography


Major: Linguistics and Computer Science

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: 2014

Picture of Linda Liu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

L1149: Gesture and Sign Language in Splash! Fall 2013 (Oct. 05, 2013)
You're likely aware of using your voice to communicate, but have you ever wondered what your hands might be saying as well? In this class, we will begin with an introduction to co-speech gesture and demonstrate how your hands might reveal more than you imagined. Shifting our focus to sign languages, we then explore sign's relationship to gesture. Along the way, we hope to clear up some common misconceptions about sign language and challenge your view of what constitutes language.