Splash! UChicago
5801 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Email: splashchicago@gmail.com
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Splash Biography


Major: Math and Statistics

College/Employer: UChicago

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Steve Kelly

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S1810: Introduction to Logic for Math and Philosophy in Splash Spring 2020 (May. 02, 2020)
Logic is the fiber that holds together any argument be it philosophical or mathematical. It allows us to provide a formal way to address the truth of statements like "If it rains, I will get wet," which actually extremely powerful. In fact, Kurt Godel famously used it to attempt to prove the existence of a God. Though this proof is too advanced for one 50 minute lecture we will attempt to lay the groundwork that Godel's proof is based off of. In this lecture we will go over the basic rules of logic including propositional formulas, truth tables, and logical equivalence. We will then try and apply these concepts to real world arguments and attempt to logically disprove an argument for determinism. No prior experience is expected or required.

M1776: The Wild Wacky World of Mathematics in Cascade Spring 2019 (Apr. 30, 2019)
Do you like math? Want to know how to prove an infinite number of claims at once? Or maybe you'd prefer to practice Euler's formula to profoundly provoke praise from your precalculus professor. Or maybe, just maybe, you're curious why I ate my mug and poured coffee on my doughnut. (Topology. I'm talking about topology.) If any of these peak your interest then you're perfect for this class! We'll talk about all the crazy weird (and cool) parts of math that you'll want to know. From Euler's formula to induction to the density of the irrationals on the real line, we'll cover it all. (Don't worry if you didn't get all the terms I just dropped. After all, if you got them then why would you take this class?) Some come on and join us on this adventure through math!